Build & scale an
in-house marketing system that delivers measurable results

The Lean Marketing Accelerator eliminates the overwhelm and confusion. Build a powerful in-house marketing system for consistent revenue in your business.

your business is working, but you want greater freedom & financial growth

You’re reliant on word-of-mouth and referral business, instead  of controlling the flow of leads.

You’re working in your business, not on your business. You can’t take time off without everything coming to a screeching halt.

You’re executing some marketing tactics here and there, but you have no idea if they’re working.

So, how do you get to the next level?

You Need A Strategy

A marketing system working for you 24/7 where you know the ROI of every dollar spent.

You Need A Team To Execute

Know how to build a dream team who’ll hand you monthly reports that show consistent uptick in leads and sales.

You Need Systems

So that your business will continue to grow – with or without you.

Allan Pointing at you
You know the what
Let us help you with the how

Take The Simplest Path To Growth

Lean Marketing Accelerator

A comprehensive step-by-step program that'll supercharge your in-house marketing & grow a resilient, thriving, and autonomous business in just one year.

Let us help strategize, prioritize, and execute the 20% of your business that produces 80% of results.

Quantum Contract Solutions Built the Marketing System They Needed To Scale
“we had no website. no systems. no processes. and within a year, we’re basically a million dollar company.”
But, before we go any further…

this is not for everyone

Especially if you’re:

Down to you last savings - consulting is many things, but it is not a lifeline (and while we can work with your budget, we cannot be your entire budget).

Not open to the new – you must be willing to let go of the old and traditional, and to embrace the uncomfortable.

Searching for a magic bullet – we’re not here to sell you overnight success, we’re here to make sure you can thrive on your own (and that takes time!).

Looking for someone to do it all for you – you don’t have to execute yourself, but you HAVE to be willing to hire — our role is to help you build your in-house marketing muscle and become agency-independent

Because what people don’t tell you is…

Marketing is a process, not an event

if you are...

Ready to invest in yourself and guidance that will potentially double or triple your revenue, while halving your time…

Open to pushing the envelope and implementing what it takes to grow your business…

Willing to trust in the process and execute consistently to  develop a powerful in-house marketing team.

You’re in a position to have the most profitable years your business has ever seen.

Holloway Diamonds Went All In, Doubling Their Revenue to $9M in One Year
"your team is absolutely off the charts."
What You Get

Over the next year, we’ll help you build...

Your 1-Page Marketing Plan Strategy

Our entire team will complete a deep dive into your business and present you with a cohesive strategy that addresses every stage of the customer journey—no more throwing spaghetti at a wall to see what sticks. And we do this on the very first call. Know what to go after for quick wins and what long-term strategies to employ for compound ROI.

Lean Messaging That Resonates

You can choose any tactic in the book, but if your ideal client doesn’t immediately understand what you do and why you’re different… you’re screwed.

We’ll create messaging that resonates and help you apply this to your website, content, and ads to increase conversions from the eyeballs you already have.

Lean Marketing System

Only 3% of people who come into contact with your business are ready to buy now. Are you spending money on ads or wasting time on content to close a fraction of that 3% group? That’s a nightmare.You need a lead-generating website and a marketing CRM to track leads and email your list. You need it to be easy to convert prospects into customers. You need the system working overtime for you.

Lean Growth Engine

With solid foundations in place, it’s time to move and groove. We’ll prioritize your quarterly goals based on what will drive revenue fastest. That might look like increasing your average contract value, not letting people drop out of your existing funnel, or collecting more leads.

When the situation calls for it, we partner with some of the best in the industry (PPC, SEO, Social, etc)  to give you in-depth guidance. And we’ll track everything. Remember, what gets measured, gets managed.

In-House Marketing Team [gold & platinum clients]

Most consultants tell you all the things you should be doing, but then expect you to take time to be writing emails and social media posts. No way.

When you’re ready, we’ll take our expertise earned from hiring over 300 marketing coordinators to place a do-er in your business. Leave the entire process to us.

Already have a team? We’ll help organize to increase efficiency and ownership – turning them into a department to be reckoned with.

as we work together, you’ll see the small wins begin to stack up…
“ We're already seeing new leads!”

“I’m enjoying working with my coach and feeling really optimistic. We’ve sorted out our target market, worked on our USP and worked on our messaging. They’ve helped us with our customer journey. We’re already starting to see leads. The program is going really well so far.”

James Cash
Superfast IT
“ Sold 10K worth of silver.”

"Allan’s coaches are amazing. We’ve sold 10k worth of silver, and it looks like the content strategy is really putting in the work."

Richard Malik
Silver Token
“ A half-million dollar launch in 3 days.”

"We had something like over 3K paid subscribers on day 1 and are already at 5300+ in three days since this paid beta launch. Lots of credit & kudos to you all. The strategy & implementation worked great. I think we’re already over a half-million dollar launch in 3 days.”

Nick Shaw
RP Strength
“ We've tripled our open rate.”

"Just wanted to let you two know that we’ve tripled our email open rate. I also consistently get responses to my super sig. Plus my welcome sequence is consistently generating responses."

Dr. Matt Klinger
Village FPT
“ Best Black Friday we've ever had.”

“It turned out to be the best Black Friday we’ve ever had. We wrote 15 emails that brought in $200k. They also helped us make two awesome hires."

Julian Baccash
“ Really adds a confidence factor to what we do.”

"We've 2xed both our website opt-ins and sales calls, and increased our conversion rates by 5%. We love our advisor. She's provided great insights, really adds a confidence factor to what we're doing, and removes the "are we on the right track or not" problem."

Frank Schaner
Home Science Tools
…snowballing into exponential growth, like with Carla rogers of evolve communities
"this program has been transformational. we've doubled our income and landed dream partnerships."
More Than Marketing

“marketing is doing too well! we need to shut it down so sales can keep up!”

Seriously. Multiple clients have said that.
When marketing explodes, sales and operations often can’t keep up.

That’s why we also help you with:

Company-wide team reorganization to plug gaps, create a better company culture & increase productivity while reducing strain.

Sales CRMs, systems, and sequencing to ensure your sales processes are efficient and to ensure you’re not leaving any money on the table.

Operations management, project management, client retention, and customer service – so you can make the most out of existing customers and assets.

And everything else your business needs to scale as seamlessly as possible.

World-class support from world-class advisors​

Our advisors are:

Industry veterans with a collective decades of marketing experience across multiple industries.

Entrepreneurs. Every advisor has run their own business and been in your shoes. They know what it’s like to have to make payroll and respect budgets.

Certified 1-Page Marketing Plan & Lean Marketing Experts who’ve been mentored in my methodologies.

Individually mentored and advised by Allan Dib and Lean Marketing appointed CEO, Anna Kloth.

PLUS: All strategic recommendations go through the entire consulting team. Your business will regularly be assessed by a marketing review board of expert advisors.

why this Will Be The time things just 'click'

We’re in marketing. The land of ‘silver bullets’ and snake oil. Every day we get on calls with entrepreneurs who’ve been burned by courses and agencies that promised the world, but delivered nothing.

We’ve built this program to combat the pitfalls you’ve run in to before. We’ll keep you accountable, troubleshoot obstacles, and guide you every step of the way through 1-on-1 support and a combination of independent and group learning.

Customized 1-Page Marketing Plan developed by the entire consulting team, CEO Anna Kloth, and Founder Allan Dib

Lifetime access to the Lean Marketing Academy with step-by-step, plug-and-play standard operating procedures. You can use it to train yourself and any future marketing team members you hire.

Eight marketing clinics each week covering strategy and project management, copywriting editing and guidance, tech mastery, and messaging.

Quarterly 1:1 check-ins with your advisor to realign on upcoming goals and review metrics.

Direct access to your advisor via Slack and an extensive community with over 2.6k members.

Bonus: When you are ready to onboard a Marketing Coordinator, we’ll provide a 30-minute consultation to guide you through the process.

PLUS: All strategic recommendations go through the entire consulting team. Your business will regularly be assessed by a marketing review board of expert advisors.

Past the startup phase in your business?

Our standard program is geared towards solopreneurs, individual service providers, and startups. It’s not just a cheaper option, it’s the peers you’ll learn from and level of marketing complexity .

If you’re already past this point in your business or work in high ticket B2B, you would be better suited for our Gold or Platinum program. Book a call to see which is right for you.

In our more advanced programs, in addition to advanced strategy, you’ll receive:

A recurring, weekly 1:1 with your advisor & unlimited 15-minute calls for urgent reviews and advice between sessions.

Complimentary quarterly access to 3rd party experts to consult on copywriting, conversion rate optimization, website development, social, and more

Done-for-you hiring, client experience interviews, and team interviews.


Choose your intensity Level

All programs require an annual commitment.

Program Fee
Recommended ForCompanies with Marketing Teams or High Ticket (+100k) OffersCompanies with Product Market Fit Beginning To Build Out In-House Marketing

Startups & Solopreneurs

Startups & Solopreneurs

Lean Marketing Academy

Customized 1-Page Marketing Plan

8 Strategy Clinics/Week

Slack Support

1:1 Metric & Goal Review

Weekly 1:1 Intensive ConsultingWith a Senior Advisor

Done-for-You Hiring

Unlimited Support Calls30-mins15-mins--
Complimentary External Specialists


How much should you budget for?

We’ll help with strategic decisions necessary to generate more revenue, an overarching plan for compound growth, and hiring the right team.

But we cannot be your entire marketing budget.

In our standard plan, you’ll have to do most of the marketing and system set up until you’re ready to hire someone to implement the marketing for you. We recommend hiring a VA or copywriter per project basis to keep moving forward.

At the Gold Tier, we recommend setting aside at least $70,000 – $100,000 to devote to marketing for the year (inclusive of our consulting fee, an employee dedicated to marketing, and other marketing expenses). For the Platinum and Quantum levels, we can speak to you individually about considerations for a yearly marketing budget.

on the fence?


We’ll only work with you if we think the Lean Marketing Accelerator would be a profitable investment for your company.

If you’re thinking, “now’s not the right time,” you can continue doing things the hard way – piecing things together on your own.

But you’d be wasting time — your most valuable resource.

Join the hundreds of entrepreneurs and business owners who’ve taken the leap, gotten expert guidance, and are now enjoying more revenue, more autonomy, and a more resilient business.

Common questions we get
How quickly can I expect to see an ROI?
How much should I budget for my other marketing expenses?
What if I don’t like my advisor, or want to work with someone specific?
Do you provide refunds?
What do the 8 weekly group clinic calls cover?